Usermanagement for App

  • Released

Sven Zimmermann

there must be a way to limit the app.

it cannot and must not be that guests can install the app, log in to the WLAN and access all the settings and make changes just like that.

A user management would be great where I can unlock devices that register on the Youvii via the server settings and select what this user is allowed to do or what this group of users is allowed to do. e.g. Heaters, lights, shutters, switches. Certain switches only, certain heaters only. I would do this via user groups and choose what the group is allowed to do.


Activity Newest / Oldest


Lorenz (PEAKnx)

Status changed to: Released


Lorenz (PEAKnx)

Dieses Feature ist jetzt in der YOUVI 5 Beta verfügbar. Wenn das Benutzermanagement aktiv ist haben neue Mobilgeräte zunächst einen Benutzer ohne Rechte zugewiesen, es kann dann ein entsprechender Benutzer mit Berechtigungen dem Gerät zugeordnet werden.


Lorenz (PEAKnx)

Status changed to: In progress


Lorenz (PEAKnx)

Status changed to: Planned


Only for the first connection from a "new" YOUVI mobile client (for security reasons).


Lorenz (PEAKnx)

Merged with: Protect the initial access from YOUVI mobile with a password


Lorenz (PEAKnx)

Status changed to: Under review