S |
Sven Zimmermann |
Extension of the Connect Bridge. With the devices to be found, it would make sense if the linked group address is displayed behind it. If I have 5x kitchens, it is of no use to me if kitchen lights, shutters, heating are all called kitchen. How do I know what it really is? A nice additional thing would be a grouping by category like in the visualization light, switching, shutters/blinds etc.
Activity Newest / Oldest
Lorenz (PEAKnx)
Status changed to: Released
Lorenz (PEAKnx)
Status changed to: In progress
Lorenz (PEAKnx)
Status changed to: Planned
Lorenz (PEAKnx)
We have plans to add columns in the connect device list with devicetype and roomname to make it more easy and intuitve